And that’s it for the third chapter of SWORDLOCKE! Chapter 4 is getting some last touchups before I take it in to get scanned… then after I take care of some more IRL stuff I’ll be back to working on Chapters 5 and on.

Funny enough, I’ve actually had seven or eight full chapters written since last summer – it’s just taken me a while to color and shade and whatnot. My first drafts have several pages with full dialogue and no panel art at all haha! I’m so excited to get the rest of the story out to you. Stay tuned!

Oh, and yes, at the bottom of the page, that’s me testing out all my markers. I’ve been… ehe… collecting.



Cutiefly (thinking): Well, Hop…
Cutiefly (thinking): …you’ll have some stiff competition!

– Leeroy (Scorbunny)
– Corinth (Butterfree)
– Hacker (Dottler)
– Bigachu (Pikachu)
– Marshmallow (Bunnelby)
– Sera (Snorunt)

((I hadn’t taken down exactly what levels the party was at, but based on the states of evolution between the first three, I’d have to guess somewhere around level 15.))

– Bluebob (Wooper)
– Walter (Slowpoke)
– Flip (Magikarp)

[End Ch. Three]

Oh, sweet naive Hop… we all played the game. We know what’s going to happen to him. ================== TRANSCRIPT: Oleana: And finally… facing our highest-ranking challengers at the end will be… the one and only Champion Leon! Leon flips his cape dramatically as he strikes his trademark Charizard pose. The crowd goes wild. Crowd: Yeeeeeeeah! Go Leoooon! Woo-hoooo! We love you, Leon! Hop: I’m finally going to beat him this year. Cutiefly: …….
================================ TRANSCRIPT: Each of Galar’s Gym Leaders poses, showing off their new Pokemon forms. Milo = Meganium Nessa = Vaporeon Kabu = Cinderace Opal = Aromatisse Bea = Hitmontop Allister = Duskull Gordie = Rhydon Melony = Dewgong Raihan = shiny Charizard! (also human!Rotom is there snapping a pic) Oleana: Our Dark-type Gym Leader is… absent as well today. I hope you aren’t too disappointed. 
One of the drawbacks of traditional art is that it’s hard to rescue a page from being overworked. Got a lot of regrets with this one…. oh well! Onto the next page! ===================== TRANSCRIPT: Tsareena: Unfortunately, Chairman Rose has been called away due to a family emergency. Therefore, I, Vice Chairman Oleana, will be hosting this year’s Gym Challenge in his absence. Cutiefly: *thinking* Huh? That’s odd…. Oleana: Now, let’s hear a round of applause for our lovely contestants! The crowd hoots, hollers, whistles, and howls. Cutiefly: *thinking* This isn’t how it’s usually supposed to go… Where IS Rose? Oleana: Now, let’s meet the Gym Leaders of the Galar region!
This page probably took me the longest to draw lmao. ========================== TRANSCRIPT: A Tsareena, wearing a rose atop her head instead of a crown, walks dramatically into the arena. Tsareena: Trainers and Pokemon… Welcome one and all to the Galar Gym Challenge! On the floor of the arena stand hundreds of waiting contestants, all trainers in Pokemon form.
The jersey thing was literally because I pressed the button too early and got stuck with “9” … I guess it matches Leon’s “1”…? =========================================== TRANSCRIPT: Flip: full disclosure tho. I like. don’t fight. Flip: I’m more of a negotiator type Flip: someone swings at me and I’m OUT Leeroy: Okay, so a coward, then… (<—hypocrite) Cutiefly: great Corinth: *sigh.* Don’t we have enough useless team members already? (Corinth: Not you, Walter, you’re lovely.) Walter: Aww thanks :) Corinth: Let’s get this opening ceremony crap over with! Cutiefly: All right, fine! We’re going to the Stadium! At Motostoke Stadium… Hop: THERE you are, Cutiefly! I’ve been looking all over for you! Cutiefly: ahaha oh my I just got lost along the way Bellossom NPC: Are you ready to register for the Gym Challenge? Cutiefly: Yes! Bellossom: Okay, what number would you like to be? Cutiefly: Can we do… uh… 9… (wait how would I spell “CUTIEFLY” in numbers–) Bellossom: OKAY Here’s your jersey Cutiefly: WAIT I WASN’T DONE!!! Bellossom: Well only one number fits on the XXXS size anyway so Cutiefly, holding a Cutiefly-sized jersey: damn A funnel of Pokemon each wearing a numbered jersey walks through the tunnel into the Stadium. Hmm… that Impidimp looks kinda familiar….. Cutiefly: i look so stupid Hop: Aww I think it’s cute!
================================= TRANSCRIPT: Flip: yooo what is up my fine fellas it is WET down there Leeroy: WELL DON’T GO MAKING IT WET UP HERE! Walter: Hey, buddy! How’ve you been holdin’ up? Flip: eyy walt, not bad Walter: Good to see ya! *fistbump of FRIEND SHIP* Flip hoists himself up to sit right between Corinth and Walter, to Corinth’s annoyance. Flip: finally figured out how to use these arms Flip: …legs not so much Flip: #littlefishproblems Walter: haha nice bro Walter: Oh hey! Flip, you should join our team! Our trainer’s doing the Gym Challenge! *tosses him a Pokeball* (Cutiefly: HEY WHEN DID YOU GET THAT POKE BALL) Flip: whoaa no way Corinth: !!! Flip: that’s like. super rad [NINTH POKEMON OBTAINED: FLIP] [#144 | MAGIKARP] [WATER] [Hasty nature, somewhat stubborn!] [Met in Motostoke.]
This page makes me laugh every time I look at it. Hopefully you feel the same. ==================================== TRANSCRIPT: Walter: I dunno about all that… this is the way I’ve always done it! Leeroy: Oh I have GOTTA see this Walter dunks his head in the water. *PLUUNK* Leeroy: uhhh how long is he going to do this Corinth: *looking at The Butt* Cutiefly: I… think he’s talking… to something? OR someONE? Walter: *blblblblblbl* Walter: *comes up for air* GUUUUAAH! *gasp!* Walter: ok he’s on his way Leeroy: WHAT?!? Corinth: HUH??? Walter: yeah I used to do this with my tail but… Leeroy: your TAIL BUTT? Corinth: Shush! Suddenly there is a disturbance in the water. Cutiefly: AAAAH THERE IS SOMETHING UNDER THERE! Leeroy: under WHERE HHGLK– *is strangled by Corinth* From the depths emerges the unmistakable golden crown… of a Magikarp. Magikarp: hey bro Walter: Flip! My man!
================================== TRANSCRIPT: [=BACK IN MOTOSTOKE=] Hop: Cutieflyyyy! Where are youuu? The Gym Challenge is starting soon! Grookey: Leeroy!! Cutieflyyy! Cutiefly, Leeroy, Corinth, and the Slowpoke are hiding underneath the bridge. Cutiefly: SSSHHH DON’T LET HIM SEE US Leeroy: Uhh… so why are we hiding from Hop? Isn’t the Gym Challenge the whole reason we’re here? Corinth: ssssshhh! Cutiefly: BECAUSE I uh . uhh. …… wanted to do a little fishing first! I’m not scared or anything! Slowpoke: Ohhh nice. I love fishing! [EIGHTH POKEMON OBTAINED: WALTER] [#??? | SLOWPOKE (G)] [PSYCH.] [Careful nature. Likes to thrash about.] [Ability: Gluttony] [Met at the Wedgehurst Station] Corinth: Wooowww, you’re a fisherman~? Corinth: How many fish have you caught? Walter: Uh… Walter: …caught?
This page was written in summer of 2022 when NFTs were a more cutting edge thing to make fun of. …Still worth making fun of ’em though. ================ TRANSCRIPT: Cutiefly is cornered by two intimidating-looking rivals. One is a very cute never-before-seen form of Dustox – white and pink with purple-and-green legs – the other a Girafarig with long blonde hair, round glasses, and a tall top hat covering his tail-head (surrounded by levitating Pokeballs). Klara: You wouldn’t happen to be heading to the Isle of Armor, would you? Cutiefly: Huh? Avery: Oh, please… that little Cutiefly over there? (Sera: Oh, so that’s what smells.) Avery: There’s no way a puny little thing like that could even begin to match my genius~ Klara: Waoooo~ Sugoiiii~ Klara: *leaves Avery in the dust* Okay but like, real talk here — bug to bug — you should totally go!!! There’s like tons of cool Pokemon there and whatever. Cutiefly: uh Klara: All you need… is $30.00 REAL LIFE DOLLARS Cutiefly: mom can you come pick me up I’m scared I think these weirdos are trying to sell me NFTs