Chapter: SWORDLOCKE ch.3
And that’s it for the third chapter of SWORDLOCKE! Chapter 4 is getting some last touchups before I take it in to get scanned… then after I take care of some more IRL stuff I’ll be back to working on Chapters 5 and on.
Funny enough, I’ve actually had seven or eight full chapters written since last summer – it’s just taken me a while to color and shade and whatnot. My first drafts have several pages with full dialogue and no panel art at all haha! I’m so excited to get the rest of the story out to you. Stay tuned!
Oh, and yes, at the bottom of the page, that’s me testing out all my markers. I’ve been… ehe… collecting.
Cutiefly (thinking): Well, Hop…
Cutiefly (thinking): …you’ll have some stiff competition!
– Leeroy (Scorbunny)
– Corinth (Butterfree)
– Hacker (Dottler)
– Bigachu (Pikachu)
– Marshmallow (Bunnelby)
– Sera (Snorunt)
((I hadn’t taken down exactly what levels the party was at, but based on the states of evolution between the first three, I’d have to guess somewhere around level 15.))
– Bluebob (Wooper)
– Walter (Slowpoke)
– Flip (Magikarp)
[End Ch. Three]