Corinth: Can we hurry up already? I’m FREEZING!
[Corinth: weak to ice]
[Hacker: weak to ice]
[Marshmallow: weak to ice]
Cutiefly: All right, all right…
[Bigachu: fine]
[Bluebob (in his pokeball): fine]
Sera: Tch… Amateurs…
[Sera: heals in hail]
[Leeroy: fine]
Leeroy: ooh, look! Spooky ghost tower!
Leeroy: fiiine…
[Wild Area part one complete! Next step: Joining the Gym Challenge]
[6/6 alive: Leeroy, Corinth, Hacker, Marshmallow, Bigachu, Bluebob] ((I guess I forgot Sera entirely when I made this… oh well. Sucks to suck, Sera!))
[The Nuzlocke Challenge Continues…]

Leeroy: All right! Now it’s my turn! Marshmallow: Eep! S-stay safe! Leeroy: LEEROY…! Cutiefly: Don’t use any super-effective moves, Leeroy! I’m going to capture it! Leeroy: Right-o! Snorunt: I can hear your directions, you know… Leeroy: So? *Quick Attack!* Snorunt: (oof!) Leeroy: Doesn’t matter if I don’t follow them–! Snorunt: GASP!!! Leeroy: aaaand just kidding~ *swipes his hand away* Cutiefly: *ready with the poke ball* GWOOOOOAAAHHHH Snorunt: A RUSE–?? SEVENTH POKEMON OBATINED: Sera Sera: Psh… nice one. …For an amateur. [#079 – Snorunt] [Ice] [Sassy nature, first met in the Dappled Grove] [Held item: Snowball!]
Leeroy: Is that Marshmallow? Marshmallow: HEEEEEEELP! Cutiefly: Oh no! Corinth: She’s being chased by a Snorunt… Corinth: Looks high-level! Hacker: Here – I’ve got this. REFLECT! LIGHT SCREEN! Cutiefly: Excellent thinking, Hacker! Bluebob – get in here. Bluebob: Bob? Cutiefly: Bigachu, you’re up next! Bigachu: Got it! Leeroy: oooh my turn my turn my turn Cutiefly: See if you can paralyze it! Bigachu: Beeeegaaaa… CHUUUU! (Thunder Wave!) Snorunt: *paralyzed* Cutiefly: Yes! Nice one! We can’t let this battle drag on, though – Look! It’s regenerating! (Snorunt’s ICE BODY)
Leeroy: Motostoke is SO close, you guys! Just a hop, skip, and a jump — Leeroy: Through the rest of that hail! Corinth: Euuugh… Cutiefly: Sigh… I guess we’re going. Marshmallow: Aww… Bluebob: Bluuuuue! Marshmallow: Hey! Wait for me — OOF! [DAPPLED GROVE] A wild Snorunt looks menacingly at Marshmallow from behind a tree, holding a snowball. Snorunt: Heh… Marshmallow: Eeeeeeek! Heeeeelp!
Cutiefly: Aww, you wanna come with us, little guy? Bluebob: Blue! Blue! Blue! SIXTH POKEMON OBTAINED: Bluebob! Bluebob [#100 – Wooper] [Water] [Timid nature, Strong willed, Met at West Lake Axewell] Cutifely: He must be really young… only being able to say his name? Corinth: Heyyy, uh… Bluebob… can you say anything else? Bluebob: …Bob? Hacker: He has only been human for two weeks. Perhaps his growth got stunted… Bigachu: Aww, come on you guys, not like it matters! He’s one of us now and we all love him! Bluebob: Bluebob! Marshmallow: So, uh… I was thinking this might be a good place to go camping… I’ve always wanted to– Cutiefly: Uhh, hold that thought. LEEROOOYYYYY WHERE ARE YOU GOING Leeroy is scampering off into the distance. Marshmallow: Oh… okay…
Bigachu: Plus, it’s like the classic Pokemon thing, right? Saying your own name? It’s so satisfying! You give it a try…! Hacker: Hmm, okay… Hacker: … HACKER! Bigachu: There you go! Hacker: That was fun. Leeroy: Here we go–! LEEROOOOOYYYyyeaaaoow! Cold! Cold! Cold! Cold! Bigachu: Haha, everyone loves to say their own name! You try, Cor! Corinth: Um, my name is not Cor. It’s Corinth <3 Bigachu: Haha, got you! Corinth: Ugh… cheap trick… Bigachu: Okay, now your turn, Marshy! Marshmallow: H-huh? Hacker: HACKER. Bigachu: We’re all saying our own names! Yanno… Like Pokemon! Marshmallow: Oh! Marsh! Marshmallow! Bigachu: BEEEGACHUUUUU. Hacker: HACKER. Marshmallow: Mallow marsh! Marshy marshy mallow! Corinth: Ugh, this is so cringe– Wild Wooper: Bluebob! Corinth: H-huh? Wooper: Bluebob! Bluebob! Bigachu: Beega. Marshmallow: Mallowwww! Wooper: Bob! Bob! Bluebob! Hacker: Oh what.
Hacker: Everyone, from now on, Berries… Hacker: must be SORTED Hacker: NONE OF YOU MAY ACCESS BERRIES WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION Leeroy: Oh come on!!! Corinth: Nobody wants this. Marshmallow: What if I just want a snack for the road? Bigachu: *thumbs up* (is cool with it) ==WEST LAKE AXEWELL== Cutiefly is buzzing around in the background. Cutiefly: new encounter? please? Corinth: Phew, it’s a lot warmer here by the water! Not so hail…y… Marshmallow: Have you ever been swimming before, Leeroy? Leeroy: Uhh, Psshh, no way!!! And I’m not about to start now! Marshmallow: Aww, why not? Leeroy: Hellooo? Fire-type? Cutiefly: encounter where? Hacker: I’ve certainly never seen a larger Pikachu before. Though I can’t say I’ve ever met a Pikachu before. Question – Why are you “Bigachu” the “Big Pikachu”? Is that not redundant? Bigachu: Nah, it’s just fun to say. Hacker: Oh? Bigachu: Like this – BIIIIGAAAACHUUUU…. (imagine it like how the japanese voice actress does it) Hacker: Ah. I see now. Very cute.
Leeroy: Argh, why is this grandpa so nimble!!?!? Vanillish: Whoops! Can’t catch me! I’m the ice cream man! Haha! Cutiefly: Hacker – You’re — Hacker: NO SOLICITORS. (evolution: Dottler. Bug/Psychic) Vanillish: ARGH! Curses! I’ll be back in winterrr… Leeroy: Wooo! Way to go, Hacker! Level up! Hacker: My work here is done. Cutiefly: Y…you did it! Thank you! Corinth: What is with that BUTT-UGLY OUTFIT tho…
Marshmallow: So, what kind of things do you folks do for fun? Camping? Foraging? Cooking? I love curry… Oh! Have you been inside any of these Dynamax raid dens?! Leeroy is not listening. He’s distracted by a Berry tree in the background. Corinth: Okay, slow down… My name is Corinth, it’s nice to make your acquaintance… Cutiefly: Hacker, I’m sorry – I had to make sure I could get this one – Hacker: okay Cutiefly: Listen, there’s this thing called the Nuzlocke challenge – Hacker: s u r e Cutiefly: and – Hacker, are you okay? Hacker: !!! Corinth: Our little Trainer thing is Cutiefly, that other bug over there is Hacker… Uh, what’s wrong with Hacker? Hacker: It’s going to hail Cutiefly: Wha– The hail shows up immediately. Cutiefly: Oh. Random Vanillish: Who wants some ice cream shaped like my face? Corinth: NOBODY!!
Transcript: Cutiefly: Hacker, you only know one move! Leeroy! Poke Ball! Leeroy: Right! (Hacker: Is there something wrong with Struggle Bug?) Bunnelby: Wait, you’re a Trainer!?! Cutiefly: Yeah. Hacker: *completely ignored* …! Bunnelby: I’d be glad to come along! Cutiefly: Sweet! Leeroy: YEAH! BUNNY… 2!… Corinth: cute… Hacker: ….. Bigachu: Bigachu [FIFTH POKEMON OBTAINED: Marshmallow] [#048] [Bunnelby (female)] [Timid nature, impetuous and silly! Met in the Rolling Fields. Ability: Cheek Pouch]